Lord Jesus, King of the Universe, King of our lives and of our families, we come to You to offer You all that we are and all that we have: our thoughts, our concerns, our qualities, our desires, and our weaknesses. We wish to put them at your service, in order to collaborate with You in the salvation of mankind and the extension of your Kingdom in the world.
Receive with love the consecration of our lives that we make to You today. Accept it as our thanksgiving for all that we have received from your hands.
Grant us the grace to follow the path of holiness by imitating your virtues and showing our faith in You, so that all those around us will find in us authentic disciples of Christ, bearing the stamp of charity, consistency between faith and works, and a burning desire to see your Kingdom established on earth.
Place in our hearts the same zeal for the salvation of every single person that You had when You took flesh and when You died on the cross.
Grant that we may live faithfully your command of charity, which You left us as your legacy.
Inflame our hearts, enlighten our minds, strengthen our resolve, and lead us always along the path of fidelity to your command.
Transform us from all fear and selfishness; strengthen our faith in the love that You have entrusted to us; and grant us the courage to respond with absolute fidelity to your call.